Sunday, September 24, 2017

4H's Cha-Cha

 Last week I had the kids dance the Cha-Cha again. I taped the performance, and here it is...

This week 4th graders are partaking in a special service learning project for kindergartners at Calvert Elementary in Houston, Texas. Students will organize donated school supplies for each kindergartner and create a personal note for a special care package. A BIG thank you for all that have donated supplies! Look for pictures of this wonderful experience on my blog next weekend.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Lunch Munch

We had a wonderful day for our first Lunch Munch of the year! Students enjoyed lunch outside with friends and family. Then, the kids of 4H danced the Cha-Cha with gusto! Look for a video of the Cha-Cha coming soon.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Leader in Me

One of my favorite pieces to teach each year is Leader in Me. By learning the 7 Healthy Habits students develop the skills of goal setting, data tracking, problem solving, and the discovery of finding the leader within. We will watch powerful videos, practice skills with interactive activities, and have meaningful discussions all surrounding the 7 Habits. It is my hope that children in my class use the 7 Habits language, and demonstrate an understanding of the habits in their everyday lives.

This week I briefly introduced the 7 Habits, and we completed a face painting activity that put the habits in motion. Students had to Begin With the End in Mind and make a plan for their faces. We learned that African tribes paint faces for many reasons, and the symbols and colors they use take on different meanings. So once students had a plan for their own face, they had to Synergize with their partner to create his/hers face painting masterpiece. Below are just a few of the many pictures from our first Leader in Me activity!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Look What Is New In 4H!

This year I started something new... how I approach morning work! Typically, morning work would be a worksheet or two based on reading and math. However after some research, I liked the idea of a community-building approach to start my mornings. So this summer I bought a bunch of games! Three mornings a week students in 4H come into the classroom and choose a game to play. The only rules are... that they have to choose different games and partners each time!