Monday, January 28, 2019

Being a Difference Maker

What does being a Difference Maker look like...

The students in 4H have had an incredible couple of weeks! Reed was lucky enough to have 
Joe Beckman aka The Happy Caveman come and visit with a positive message about the human connection. The Happy Caveman demonstrated how making connections is a difference maker in our everyday lives. He encouraged students to find ways to make a difference at school and home. It can be a small gesture, but is so impactful. Just a "Hello", high-five, or smile can change someones mood and make their day instantly better. As a teacher, to watch him was one of the highlights of my career. The way he interacted with Reed students was inspiring and they LOVED the attention he gave them. The assembly was full of music, dancing, and laughter, but in the midst of the noise came the quiet yet powerful message of be a difference maker. It was truly a memorable day for all. 

The following week 4H had the opportunity to be difference makers for the St. Louis community by volunteering their time and muscle at the St. Louis Area FoodBank. For two hours students sorted and packaged food that when processed totaled over seven thousand meals! I am very proud of how serious our students took to this task, and how they embraced it as a way to positively fulfill their souls. 

Below are pictures of both events.