Monday, September 9, 2019

Tribal Traditions- African Face Painting

A couple of weeks ago 4H embraced learning about a piece of African culture... face painting.

We learned that African's paint their faces to represent a part of their character and what is important to them. Colors that African's use have certain meanings, and the symbols they create symbolize what is important in their culture.

The kids of 4H saw many examples of African symbols and paint color meanings. So with those images and knowledge my students started to think about what symbols and colors would best represent who they are. Each student used Habit 2- Begin With the End in Mind and sketched what their faces would look like, and why they would choose those colors and symbols. Next, students had to practice Habit 5- Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood and Habit 6- Synergize by listening to each other's plan and painting each other's faces.

I love this activity. I enjoy seeing them create more community and learn about a diverse cultures all at the same time. Please enjoy these pictures!